Wasco, California Process Servers
Call Attorney’s Certified Services at (661) 327-8022 if you need a professional process server in Wasco, California. All of our Wasco process servers are bonded and registered California process servers. Go with experience, we have been serving legal documents in Wasco since 1994. At Attorney’s Certified we stay in touch with our clients., returning phone calls and emails, and continuously monitoring the progress of every assignment.
Our Wasco, California process servers specialize in serving ‘hard to serve’ defendants and witnesses. Service of legal process is available on a routine, rush or same day basis (please call for details and rates). We are also a full service legal support company that provides a wide range of services including: court services, court e-filing, copy services, and writ services.
We are a one stop shop for all of your process serving needs. No matter where you need service of process completed we can get it done through our nationwide and worldwide network of professional process servers and legal support companies.
We serve legal cases the general public, law firms, lenders, small companies, large corporations and government agencies.
Serving all types of legal documents 7 days a week including:
- Summons & Complaints
- Record Subpoenas
- Small Claims Court Cases (Plaintiff’s Claim & Order)
- Personal Subpoenas
- Temporary Restraining Order (TRO)
- Bank Levies
- 3 Day and 30 Day Landlord Notices
- Earning Withholding Orders (EWO)
- Unlawful Detainers (eviction)
- Pleadings & Motions
- Discovery documents
- Order for Appearance and Examination (ORAP)
- Out-of-State Legal Documents
- Service Available Nationwide and Overseas
Our Wasco process servers serve court cases and other legal documents 7 days a week. In the event we find that an address is no longer good, our Wasco process servers will make every effort on site to locate a new address. Additional skip tracing services are also available. Our people locating services can search nationwide for defendants or witnesses that you need served.
All attempts are logged along with detail information on the defendant being served. Our Wasco process servers are always ready to back up their serves at a court hearing should the need ever arise. Once service of process is completed, your proof of service or affidavit of service is promptly completed, signed by our Wasco process server and notarized (if required by law).
We welcome the opportunity to show new clients how we can take care of all of their process serving and legal support needs in Wasco and the surrounding areas. Please feel free to call us with any questions you may regarding our services and process serving in general.
Call us (661) 327-8022 to get a quote on our services or click here to request a quote online 24/7. If you are ready to submit a case for service of process, please click here to open your account and submit your order.
Attorney’s Certified Services
Wasco, California Process Server
Phone: (661) 327-8022
Fax: (661) 327-8179
Toll Free: (888) 514-5067