Attorney’s Certified Services has a team of bonded and registered Ridgecrest, California process servers ready to serve your legal documents 7 days a week at all hours. Our process serving company is located in Kern county and we’ve been serving legal documents in Ridgecrest for over 30 years.
Contact us at (661) 327-8022 for a free quote or click here to request a quote online 24/7. If you are ready to submit a case for service in Ridgecrest, please click here to open your account and place your order.
Ridgecrest, California Process Servers
Cases submitted for service process are put out for service with a registered Ridgecrest, California process server immediately.
Our Ridgecrest, California process servers know the importance of meeting your needs. If any issues arise in the field while trying to serve your court documents, we will promptly contact your office. Once service of process has been completed the proof of service/affidavit of service will be completed and returned to you without delay. If you need your affidavit notarized, we have California public notaries on staff.
We serve cases for large and small law firms, individuals, lending institutions, corporations, collections agencies, small businesses, government agencies and non-profit entities. If you have any questions regarding procedures we follow when serving court cases, please call our office at (661) 327-8022 to speak with a Ridgecrest, California process server.
We are Registered & Bonded Ridgecrest, California Process Servers serving the following documents 7 days a week:
- Summons & Complaints
- Record Subpoenas
- Small Claims Court Cases (Plaintiff’s Claim & Order)
- Personal Subpoenas
- Temporary Restraining Order (TRO
- Bank Levies
- Landlord 3 Day Notices to Pay or Quit
- Wage Attachments
- Unlawful Detainer (evictions)
- Pleadings & Motions
- Discovery Documents
- Order for Appearance and Examination (ORAP)
- and more
We can also provide you with Statewide and Nationwide service through our network of professional process servers.
Attorney’s Certified Services
Ridgecrest, California Process Servers
5080 California Avenue, Suite 425
Bakersfield, CA 93309
Phone: (661) 327-8022
Fax: (661) 327-8179
Ridgecrest, California Process Servers – Rush Service Available!