Attorney’s Certified Services is staffed with bonded and registered Mohave, California process servers available to serve your court case(s) 7 days a week. We specialize in serving hard to serve defendants and witnesses in Mojave, CA.
Low Rates! Call (661) 327-8022
Go with experience! Our process serving company has over 30 years of experience serving court cases not only in Mojave, California but also statewide and nationwide. Over the years we have developed our own network of reliable and well trained process servers in California and around the country.
Mojave, California Process Servers
Unlike other Mojave process serving companies our firm provides a wide range of legal support services including: court services, court e-fling, copy services and writ services. We are also experienced in getting cases served in cities across the country and locating subjects you need service on.
Routine, rush and same day service of court documents is available in Mojave. We serve cases in Mojave for lenders, the general public, attorneys, companies large and small, and government agencies.
We are members in good standing with the National Association of Professional Process Servers and the California Association of Legal Support Professionals.
We serve all types of legal documents 7 days a week including:
- Summons & Complaint
- Small Claims Cases
- Subpoenas for records and personal appearances
- Temporary Restraining Orders (TRO)
- Bank Levies done from start to finish
- Discovery Documents
- 3 Day Notices to Pay or Quit
- Wage Attachments on judgment debtors
- Unlawful Detainers (eviction documents)
- Pleadings & Motions
- Family Law Documents
- Order for Appearance and Examination (ORAP)
- and more
All of our Mojave process servers are registered and bonded. We attempt service 7 days a week at all hours. After the defendant or witness has been served the proof of service is returned to your office ASAP. If any issues arise we will promptly contact you for further instructions.
Attorney’s Certified Services is dedicated to making sure your court documents get served in Mojave, CA in a timely fashion with no hassles.
Call us for a quote or click here to request a quote online 24/7. You can also click here to open your account and submit your order.
Attorney’s Certified Services
Mojave, California Process Servers
Phone: (661) 327-8022
Fax: (661) 327-8179
Toll Free: (888) 514-5067