Bonded and Registered Lake Isabella, California Process Servers. Attorney’s Certified Services is a licensed and insured process serving company that has been serving legal documents in Lake Isabella since 1994.
Low Competitive Rates! Call (661) 327-8022
Lake Isabella, California Process Servers
Family owned and operated. Our process serving company specializes in providing clients with fast professional service of process in Lake Isabella, California.
We serve all locations in Kern County and provide service statewide and nationwide if needed. Whether you have one case or multiple cases, our staff will give each and every serve the attention it deserves.
Our process serving firm is a full service legal support company. Additional services we offer include: court services, court e-fling, copy services and writ services.
Our Lake Isabella process servers accept assignments from individuals, banks, credit unions, lawyers, small companies, large corporations and government agencies.
Attorneys Certified is a long standing member of the National Association of Professional Process Servers and the California Association of Legal Support Professionals.
We serve all types of legal documents 7 days a week including:
- Summons & Complaint
- Small Claims Cases
- Subpoenas for records and personal appearances
- Temporary Restraining Orders (TRO)
- Bank Levies done from start to finish
- Discovery Documents
- 3 Day Notices to Pay or Quit
- Wage Attachments on judgment debtors
- Unlawful Detainers (eviction documents)
- Pleadings & Motions
- Family Law Documents
- Order for Appearance and Examination (ORAP)
- and more
Pursuant to California law, our Lake Isabella process servers are registered and bonded. We serve court papers in Lake Isabella 7 days a week at all hours. We can also serve legal documents by appointment if that is an option. The State of California has a page on process serving that contains a lot of helpful information for those who are unfamiliar with service process procedures.
If you need additional information or a quote please call us at one of the numbers below. You can also click here to request a quote online or you can click here to open your account and submit your order.
Attorney’s Certified Services
Lake Isabella, California Process Servers
Phone: (661) 327-8022
Fax: (661) 327-8179
Toll Free: (888) 514-5067